Completeness requirements overlapping?

Dear all,

Maybe this can be a part of my action:
ACTION-153: Look at completeness as one of the quality dimensions

Should we continue to keep the two following requirements:
- R-DataMissingIncomplete: Publishers should indicate if data is partially missing or if the dataset is incomplete
- R-QualityCompleteness: Data should be complete

It seems that according to all we say on metadata best practice, if there's a quality criterion then publishers should try their best to publish metadtaa about it, and thus R-DataMissingIncomplete is redundant.

Plus, in the current formulation of R-DataMissingIncomplete, I'm not sure I grasp the difference between "data is partially missing" and "the dataset is incomplete".

What do you think?



Received on Friday, 8 May 2015 07:11:38 UTC