Re: Feedback from CKAN Community Meetup - dcat and data quality

Hi Deirdre, Phil, Augusto, all,

Thanks a lot for the input!
Now we still have very little resource to make progress on the vocabulary itself.
But I've just updated the 'notes' page at
and it looks full of very useful material.

By the way while adding Phil's suggestion on, I went at
and realized that there's already a lot of fields there, which could be relevant both for data quality and data usage.



On 9/26/14 10:46 PM, Augusto Herrmann wrote:
> Phil,
> in regards to implementation in CKAN dataset descriptions using the vocabs, there's also this relevant issue::
> Best regards,
> Augusto Herrmann
> On Fri, Sep 26, 2014 at 1:19 PM, Phil Archer < <>> wrote:
>     On 26/09/2014 17:03, Lee, Deirdre wrote:
>         Hey,
>         I joined the CKAN Community Meetup today. Compliance and extension of DCAT was discussed, so I gave an overview of what we're currently working on in DWBP. They were very interested and should be a good community to tap into for new use-cases.
>     Thanks for going to this - that's a crucial community. My ideal targets for deployment for the vocab(s) would be:
>     - implementation in CKAN app descriptions
>     - addition of relevant terms to <>
>         In terms of Data Quality, Rufus highlighted the following thread that discusses QA in terms of CKAN: <>
>     Interesting, yes, we should take note of that for the QA work.
>         If you're interested in finding out what's planned for CKAN and to make suggestions, its (open-for-consultation) Roadmap is available here <>
>     Ideally we should make a submission as the WG (which does not preclude individuals making their own contribution of course).
>     Phil.
>         ------------------------------__------------------------------__-----------
>         Deirdre Lee
>         Research Associate
>         eGovernment Domain (DEG)
>         Insight-NUIG
>         IDA BusinessPark, Lower Dangan,
>         Galway, Ireland
> <>< <>>
>         skype: deirdrelee
>         twitter: @deirdrelee
>         linkedin: <>__< <>>
>         ------------------------------__------------------------------__-----------
>     --
>     Phil Archer
>     W3C Data Activity Lead
>     +44 (0)7887 767755 <tel:%2B44%20%280%297887%20767755>
>     @philarcher1

Received on Monday, 29 September 2014 09:54:05 UTC