Re: Feedback from CKAN Community Meetup - dcat and data quality

On 26/09/2014 17:03, Lee, Deirdre wrote:
> Hey,
> I joined the CKAN Community Meetup today. Compliance and extension of DCAT was discussed, so I gave an overview of what we're currently working on in DWBP. They were very interested and should be a good community to tap into for new use-cases.

Thanks for going to this - that's a crucial community. My ideal targets 
for deployment for the vocab(s) would be:

- implementation in CKAN app descriptions
- addition of relevant terms to

> In terms of Data Quality, Rufus highlighted the following thread that discusses QA in terms of CKAN:

Interesting, yes, we should take note of that for the QA work.

> If you're interested in finding out what's planned for CKAN and to make suggestions, its (open-for-consultation) Roadmap is available here

Ideally we should make a submission as the WG (which does not preclude 
individuals making their own contribution of course).


> -----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Deirdre Lee
> Research Associate
> eGovernment Domain (DEG)
> Insight-NUIG
> IDA BusinessPark, Lower Dangan,
> Galway, Ireland
> skype: deirdrelee
> twitter: @deirdrelee
> linkedin:<>
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------


Phil Archer
W3C Data Activity Lead
+44 (0)7887 767755

Received on Friday, 26 September 2014 16:19:53 UTC