RE: W3C DWBP: Request to close Issue 13


I'm opening this issue back to the group. 'Use Case #15 - Documented Support and Release of Data' sets out two requirements that currently aren't included in our requirement list. I therefore propose the addition of these two requirements:

ˇ         IncludeSupportMechanism

ˇ         IncludeReleaseSchedule

Feedback on should these requirements be included and in what requirements section they should be included (metadata, data access, industry reuse?) is appreciated.



-----Original Message-----
From: Phil Archer []
Sent: 19 September 2014 13:22
To: Lee, Deirdre
Cc: Bernadette Farias Lóscio
Subject: Re: W3C DWBP: Request to close Issue 13

On 18/09/2014 15:53, Lee, Deirdre wrote:

> Hi,


> In one of the recent Friday telcos and/or on the email list we have discussed the following issue that you raised about the DWBP Use Case & Requirement (UCR):


> ISSUE-13: Improve Use case "Documented Support and Release of Data"



> Can you confirm that this issue has been addressed in the updated

> version of the UCR doc, available here:


> s/usecasesv1.html


> If you agree, I will close the issue.

Yes and no. I think it's really about the difference between potential requirement and requirement. There is a requirement to include info about the update cycle in the metadata, which has now been lost. I think I've caused confusion and extra work where I didn't mean to.

There's a bit of blurred line between a challenge and a requirement.

Both of the challenges listed can be rephrased as requirements.

How about the challenges as:

Provide information about the management cycle of the data and who is responsible for it.





updateCycle (the data update cycle should be included in the metadata)

contactPoint (contact information for the data provider should be included in the metadata)




> Kind regards,

> Deirdre

> Deirdre Lee, Research Associate, eGovernment Group Insight Center for

> Data Analytics, NUI Galway, Ireland

> Twitter: @deirdrelee, Skype: deirdrelee

> Linkedin:




Phil Archer

W3C Data Activity Lead

+44 (0)7887 767755


Received on Wednesday, 24 September 2014 22:05:45 UTC