Africa Open Data Jam Teleconference

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Friday, September 5, 2014
11:30 AM

1-866-692-4538 and passcode 7798549 , Washington, DC(edit map)
 The Africa Open Data Jam Teleconference                        
 Jam Follow-up Agenda:                                          
 A.  Peer to Peer Open Data - Jeanne Holm, Data.Gov Evangelist, 
 1.  Many developing countries lack data about agriculture      
 2.  Sometimes there is data in other private and public        
 repositories that is not available (awareness, skill,          
 capacity) to developing nations                                
 3.  This data could be combined to provide Open Data to        
 4.  New datasets are also coming online that provide exciting  
 capabilities, like NASA satellites                             
 5.  Even with all this data, there remains missing information 
 about exact kinds of crops and yields and market prices        
 6.  People on the ground in developing nations could be        
 encouraged to fill in these gaps by providing the data via     
 SMS, webapps, and other tools                                  
 7.  We need to create a solution architecture to bring all     
 these pieces together                                          
 8.  We need a country willing to work with us as a test case   
 on implementing this architecture.                             
 9.  Data.Gov is willing to host Open Data for people in other  

10.  Please help us to create this architecture and test this solution.

Best Regards,


Motto: "Do First, Think, Do it Again"

Received on Wednesday, 3 September 2014 19:51:22 UTC