Action-55 JSON-LD Context file etc.

During yesterday's vocabs call, Eric S took an action to work with a 
member of the PNNL team to look at JSON-LD as a means of making our 
vocabs less Linked Data centric.

It bothered me that I couldn't immediately jump in and take care of this 
so I've been doing some digging/self-teaching and ended up looking at 
the JSON-LD Context file [1] created by the Hydra CG [2]. That's a 
pretty good place to end up as the people behind that Community group 
include a lot of the JSON-LD authors.

I need to spend more time on this (and others are welcome to as well of 
course) but what I believe this this gives us is a way for people to 
use, say DCAT in JSON just using terms like


without needing to know or care that all three of those come from 
different namespaces.

I hope I've got that right (I'll check with the Hydra folks).

Cheers for now




Phil Archer
W3C Data Activity Lead
+44 (0)7887 767755

Received on Friday, 11 July 2014 11:43:34 UTC