Question about conneg on datasets compressed with gzip

Hi all,

I've been looking at BP 19 (Use content negotiation for serving data available in multiple formats) [1] and was wondering if there is an acknowledged way of dealing with datasets that are gzipped due to their size. As an example use case let's look at the hypothetical dataset GND. There are two distributions available in the RDF serialisations turtle and RDF/XML. Due to the data dump's size, the files GND.rdf and GND.ttl are gzipped before put on the download page so that we have the two files GND.rdf.gz and GND.ttl.gz. Technically, the Content-Type of both files is application/gzip, but what we really want to negotiate on is the media type of the unpacked content (viz. application/rdf+xml and text/turtle). Is there a standard way of doing this?


Thanks for any insights.



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Received on Wednesday, 25 October 2017 07:14:20 UTC