User defined information on the web

Hi, Data on the Web Best Practitioners–

Today I saw I respect the effort in detail, but the overall problem remains: We do not need this overhead to place information on the web and this is no systematic approach for user defined information. Users have best expertise to define useful information.

It is advisable to restart from the beginning. Then we can see a better founded and much more efficient way for coding uniformly defined and precisely searchable information on the internet:

Well defined information means selection from a well defined set or "domain". So preconditions for precise transfer of information are:

(1) Well defined domain (for all participants of conversation)
(2) Ordered domain (so that its elements are selectable by numbers)
(3) Transfer of the (digital) numbers which show the selection in the domain

If the domain is defined online, it can be identified by its URL. According to (2) the domain is a n-dimensional metric space - therefore I called it "Domain Space" (DS). Its elements are called "Domain Vectors" (DVs).

Every DV carries searchable information according to user defined criteria and has the form
     URL (of the standardized online definition) plus number sequence
where the (online definition at the URL) defines the domain and the number sequence describes the selection. The URL can be abbreviated.

The online definition can be in English. Additionally it can be in other languages. So the definition can be multilingual, but correctly defined data (DVs) are language independent, see , more details describes

Users can reuse and recombine definitions, optimize the definitions and the search criteria according to their expertise. Of course DVs are an internal form of information, optimized for hardware. For human readable representation of DVs adapted software has to use the (machine readable) online definition. But also an editor is software, so we can also program more elaborate software which uses a standardized machine readable online definition for editing DVs. In the long run efficiency of the digital information is decisive. Science cannot neglect this.

It is possible to introduce the efficient data format (URL + numbers) stepwise within existing standards, but we should avoid unnecessary loss of time. A clearly more efficient data format is clearly recommendable.

Best Regards

Wolfgang Orthuber
Kiel University, UKSH
Arnold Heller Str. 3, House 26 | 24105 Kiel | Germany

Received on Friday, 13 January 2017 14:31:26 UTC