Re: Request for review of Data on the Web Best Practices


Here is a view only spreadsheet [1] that I promised to start compiling
questionaire information to assess the DWBP document.  I've granted
read/write access to the Phil, the BP editors, Annette Greiner who is a
major contributor.  If you would like editing access let me know.

I alerted Greg to the fact that in order to put some questions into
spreadsheet form I reduced or altered wording.  If the meaning is changed
please recommend something more suitable.


Eric Stephan


On Wed, May 25, 2016 at 6:47 AM, Eric Stephan <> wrote:

> >> Hi Phil,
> >>Also wanted to say - if you want to join the PING call and discuss this
> a bit in a less asynchronous manner, it's happening tomorrow, I've C/Ped
> the details below:
> +1
> Eric S
> On Wed, May 25, 2016 at 5:47 AM, Greg Norcie <> wrote:
>> Hi Phil,
>> Also wanted to say - if you want to join the PING call and discuss this a
>> bit in a less asynchronous manner, it's happening tomorrow, I've C/Ped the
>> details below:
>> Privacy Interest Group Meetings
>>   Next call: 26th May 2016
>>   9am PT, 12pm ET, 6pm CET
>>      WebEx meeting
>>      +1 617-324-0000
>>      meeting number: 648 986 475
>> Please also join us in IRC in the #privacy room.
>>      Server:
>>      Username: <your name>
>>      Port: 6667 or 6665
>>      Channel: #privacy
>> /********************************************/
>> Greg Norcie (
>> Staff Technologist
>> Center for Democracy & Technology
>> District of Columbia office
>> (p) 202-637-9800
>> PGP:
>> /*******************************************/
>> On Wed, May 25, 2016 at 3:23 AM, Phil Archer <> wrote:
>>> Looks like you got that gig then, Eric - thank you!
>>> As you know, Eric, it's the privacy issues that you raised about data
>>> and metadata that are the potential overlap. I don't imagine the PING folks
>>> will have a lot to say about persistent identifiers, API calls etc. so I
>>> hope that we can minimise what we're asking Greg and his colleagues to do.
>>> Thanks
>>> Phil.
>>> On 24/05/2016 20:41, Eric Stephan wrote:
>>>> Hi Greg, Phil, and DWBP WG,
>>>> It almost seems like a matrix (table) of privacy questions and the best
>>>> practices would be useful, blank cells could reflect non-applicability.
>>>> What do you think?  If it is useful, I am happy to help.
>>>> Kind regards,
>>>> Eric Stephan
>>>> Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
>>>> On Tue, May 24, 2016 at 11:56 AM, Greg Norcie <> wrote:
>>>> Hi Phil,
>>>>> Thanks for reaching out! Sorry to hear about your tight deadline.
>>>>> In order to speed things up, as a first, step, could you or someone
>>>>> from
>>>>> the HTML5 team please use the PING Privacy Questionnaire[1] to do an
>>>>> initial self review of your standard? (We would also love to get
>>>>> feedback
>>>>> on how the privacy questionnaire can be improved :) )
>>>>> I'd be happy to work with you and your team to identify any remaining
>>>>> issues that may be present in addition to those uncovered by the self
>>>>> review.
>>>>> There is a PING call on 5/26 as well in case you want to join in and
>>>>> discuss further.
>>>>> [1]
>>>>> /********************************************/
>>>>> Greg Norcie (
>>>>> Staff Technologist
>>>>> Center for Democracy & Technology
>>>>> District of Columbia office
>>>>> (p) 202-637-9800
>>>>> PGP:
>>>>> /*******************************************/
>>>>> On Tue, May 24, 2016 at 8:30 AM, Phil Archer <> wrote:
>>>>> Dear Ping members,
>>>>>> The Data on the Web Best Practices Working Group has published three
>>>>>> documents that are close to completion, two of which we'd be grateful
>>>>>> if
>>>>>> you could review. In general, privacy issues don't arise in this work
>>>>>> but:
>>>>>> 1. The Data on the Web Best Practices document itself has references
>>>>>> to
>>>>>> privacy in its introduction [1] and in a section on data enrichment
>>>>>> [2].
>>>>>> 2. The WG's charter [3] includes the line: "Ensure that the privacy
>>>>>> concerns are properly included in the Quality and Granularity
>>>>>> vocabulary."
>>>>>> The vocabulary in question is at [4] and we would be grateful if you
>>>>>> could
>>>>>> confirm that no specific privacy issues are raised by that work (I
>>>>>> think it
>>>>>> unlikely but I may be missing something).
>>>>>> The WG plans to make the transition to CR for its BP doc (which is Rec
>>>>>> Track) during next month so we're setting a (very) tight deadline on
>>>>>> comments of 12 June.
>>>>>> Thank you for your help,
>>>>>> Phil.
>>>>>> [1]
>>>>>> [2]
>>>>>> [3]
>>>>>> [4]
>>>>>> --
>>>>>> Phil Archer
>>>>>> W3C Data Activity Lead
>>>>>> +44 (0)7887 767755
>>>>>> @philarcher1
>>> --
>>> Phil Archer
>>> W3C Data Activity Lead
>>> +44 (0)7887 767755
>>> @philarcher1

Received on Wednesday, 25 May 2016 15:55:47 UTC