Re: A question about dqv:Metric and dqv:QuialityMeasurement

Hi Antoine and Riccardo,

Anisa and me had the same query:
- What is the difference between dqv:Metric and dqv:QualityMeasure?
A metric should be related to the observation and not to the QualityMeasure.
ex:qcu1 dqv:hasObservation ex:observ
ex:observ  a qb:Observation
ex:observ  dqv:computedOn :NameOfDataset
ex:observ  dqv:value “0.9”^^xsd:double

Also here are a few other:

- Dimension should have one or more metrics and not the opposite
ex: timelinessDimension a dqv:Dimension
ex: timelinessDimension dqv:hasMetric ex:qcu1
ex:qcu1 a dqv:Metric

dqv:hasMetric rdfs:domain dqv:Dimension
dqv:hasMetric rdfs:range dqv:Metric

- adding further information such as the type of quality issue by defining a new property for example dqv:severity (with values error,  warning, improvement, etc.)
ex:observ dqv:severity <http://…/warning<http://�/warning>>

- other information can be added such as describing the problem ex:observ dcterms:description “The triples in the dataset are outdated”

- specify also in which part of the dataset the quality issue is present
ex:observ dqv:position _:node1.
_:node1  a rdf:Statement ;
rdf:subject <http://.../address/xx> ;
rdf:predicate <> ;
rdf:object "Chams-Elyseee 48” .

Amrapali Zaveri, PhD
Dumontier Lab, Stanford University
Twitter: @amrapaliz

On Apr 11, 2016, at 8:38 AM, 玫瑰骑士 <<>> wrote:

Dear Sirs:
    Excuse me, i have trouble in understanding the relationship between dqv:Metric  and dqv:QualityMeasurement. A dqv:QualityMeasurement dqv:isMeasurementOf a dqv:Metric  or several dqv:QualityMeasurement dqv:isMeasurementOf a dqv:Metric ?

                                                                             I’m looking forward to hearing from you.

                                                                                                             Wenze Xia

Received on Wednesday, 13 April 2016 09:51:18 UTC