Wednesday, 19 September 2018
Tuesday, 18 September 2018
- dpvcg-ACTION-24: Formulate a use case to exemplify what i proposed today :-) (categorization along the categories and terminology we agreed upon today)
- ISSUE-3: Do we want to revisit a definition of "gdpr rights" in our definitions and taxonomies?
- ISSUE-2: Do we need to formulate a notion of compliance in scope of the cg?
- Agenda for today's DPVCG call
- Agenda for today's DPVCG call
Monday, 10 September 2018
Tuesday, 4 September 2018
- [minutes] 2018-09-04 dpvcg
- dpvcg-ACTION-23: And axel tallk about refining the schedule/scope of the group and come back with a proposal how to order the input collected so far
- dpvcg-ACTION-22: Ask around whether decode is willing to participate in bdva-forum
- dpvcg-ACTION-21: Talk to eva to get in touch with bdva about a session slot in the european bid data value forum.
- Re: Agenda - (Re: DPVCG next call(s))
- dpvcg-ACTION-20: Proposes use case about public entities handling personal data
- dpvcg-ACTION-19: Contact again for a more detailed use case description
- dpvcg-ACTION-18: Explore list of mydata use cases.
- Agenda - (Re: DPVCG next call(s))