Re: DPUB ARIA 2.0 in a charter?

I think your plan for 2.0 is fine... However, note that if there are new
roles then you need to update the AAM.  It includes mappings for EACH role
into each ATAPI.

On Tue, Mar 7, 2017 at 3:42 AM, Ivan Herman <> wrote:

> Michael,
> we discussed it yesterday, and the current feeling of the group is that we
> will propose to publish the ARIA document ourselves, though of course a
> strong liaison with the ARIA WG. The fact that we do not expect to have any
> specific AAM for this document (it is 'just' an extension to the current
> document adding some new terms) this looks like, administratively, the
> simpler option.
> Nothing is cast in concrete, of course, the AC review may come back with a
> different requirement. And the discussions coming up to the AC review could
> bring forward other arguments, too; but this is the current proposal of the
> IG.
> Cheers
> Ivan
> On 2 Mar 2017, at 16:26, Michael Cooper <> wrote:
> On 3/2/2017 1:31 AM, Ivan Herman wrote:
> In fact, this was not discussed yet. This is a discussion we may have on
> our next call (on Monday); what would be good if we had information on the
> preference of the ARIA WG. I am pleased to see that there is no
> administrative obstacle on your side if we choose to go the joint
> deliverable way.
> I think the ARIA WG is likely to be amenable to whichever direction Rich,
> Joanie, and I suggest. As you know my personal preference is joint but we
> haven't heard from Rich and Joanie yet.
> I don't think we can establish a formal preference of the ARIA WG before
> Monday, because many of us are at a conference and likely to be paying
> scant attention. I sent a brief question to the mailing list to give people
> an opportunity to register opinions:
> Unless major objections are raised on that thread before Monday, I suggest
> you go with the approach that you guys end up supporting Monday, and
> structure the charter that way. Hopefully there will be a review
> opportunity of the draft charter before it goes to AC vote, and by then the
> ARIA WG will be able to establish if it prefers a different direction. It
> should be a one-line change in the charter if that ends up being required.
> Michael
> ----
> Ivan Herman, W3C
> Publishing@W3C Technical Lead
> Home:
> mobile: +31-641044153 <+31%206%2041044153>

Shane McCarron
Managing Director, Applied Testing and Technology, Inc.

Received on Friday, 10 March 2017 13:04:21 UTC