On 3/2/2017 1:31 AM, Ivan Herman wrote:
> In fact, this was not discussed yet. This is a discussion we may have
> on our next call (on Monday); what would be good if we had information
> on the preference of the ARIA WG. I am pleased to see that there is no
> administrative obstacle on your side if we choose to go the joint
> deliverable way.
I think the ARIA WG is likely to be amenable to whichever direction
Rich, Joanie, and I suggest. As you know my personal preference is joint
but we haven't heard from Rich and Joanie yet.
I don't think we can establish a formal preference of the ARIA WG before
Monday, because many of us are at a conference and likely to be paying
scant attention. I sent a brief question to the mailing list to give
people an opportunity to register opinions:
Unless major objections are raised on that thread before Monday, I
suggest you go with the approach that you guys end up supporting Monday,
and structure the charter that way. Hopefully there will be a review
opportunity of the draft charter before it goes to AC vote, and by then
the ARIA WG will be able to establish if it prefers a different
direction. It should be a one-line change in the charter if that ends up
being required.