RE: [DPUB-ARIA] 12 March meeting agenda

Thanks, Rich, and thanks to Matt Garrish for doing a significant portion of the work.

These are exactly the types of issues we need raised.

I think "Placeholder" is supposed to trigger Shane's scripts. Have we used this correctly?

It might be helpful if we worked through a few of the terms fully in addition to discuss the specific issues raised in the document.


Tzviya Siegman
Digital Book Standards & Capabilities Lead

From: Richard Schwerdtfeger []
Sent: Wednesday, March 11, 2015 4:12 PM
To: Siegman, Tzviya - Hoboken; Markus Gylling
Subject: Re: [DPUB-ARIA] 12 March meeting agenda

Tzviya, Markus,

You have made a lot of progress!

Some comments:

You definitely would not compute name from "content" on many of these, given what you have to is change these from name from: content to Name From: author .


I am looking at bibliography and you have "Paceholder" for required owned elements. Aren't these owned elements "biblioentry" elements?

The Required owned elements needs to be filled in with something other than placeholder.

Biblioentry should have Name From: include contents and author ...  aria-label is global. An author could put a label on it.

These are rather big issues that we should probably address before going out to a First Public Working Draft as people may be scratching their heads on these. Where we have issues
we should flag them.

I am a bit concerned about the use of the role "landmarks" given that we use it as an abstract class already. I don't think this needs to be resolved before FPWD but there should be an issue logged.

We should also go through the definitions for example: learning-outcome says: "A demonstrable, measurable mastery of a learning objective used for diagnostic capabilities." Is this a section, a link, etc?

There are also roles like "learning-objective" that have no superclass role.

It looks like the ARIA 1.1 links are unresolved such as the link to the section role in the "glossary" role. These links needs to be resolved prior to publication. There are classes that can be applied to these links that respec will expand upon so that they come out properly.

I think we should go through a pass through each of the roles on the call and try to address these issues as much as possible before a FPWD.

The Abstract and the Introduction require more work before FPWD. I can help with that if you like.

Michael will handle the "Status of this Document" section for each W3C publication.


Rich Schwerdtfeger

[cid:image001.gif@01D05C19.DF40D450]"Siegman, Tzviya - Hoboken" ---03/11/2015 12:47:12 PM---Hi All, We are schedule to meet in 2015-03-12 at 9:00 EST/13:00 UTC.

From: "Siegman, Tzviya - Hoboken" <<>>
To: "DPUB-ARIA (<>)" <<>>
Date: 03/11/2015 12:47 PM
Subject: [DPUB-ARIA] 12 March meeting agenda


Hi All,
We are schedule to meet in 2015-03-12 at 9:00 EST/13:00 UTC.

The Zakim bridge number is +1.617.761.6200.
the code conference is 2742 ("ARIA"), followed by the # key.
IRC: #dpub-aria

*Review issues in current draft of DPUB module [1].
*Issues in the document about overlapping terms, etc.
Abstract (discuss meaningfulness of term in scholarly community)
Glossary (HTML usage)
Glossterm (note: we can change to avoid abbr, discuss HTML usage)
Glossref (note: we can change to avoid abbr, discuss HTML usage)
Help (is this confusing because of ubiquity of help menus?)
Landmarks (very meaningful in ARIA, open to changing this term, clarify usage and why this is meaningful beyond <nav>)
Learning-objective + learning-outcome (are these distinguishable?)
Locator (term and definition under discussion)
Part (more detailed definition requested by James Craig)
*Next steps (review of terms by PF, move toward FPWD, target date)


Tzviya Siegman
Digital Book Standards & Capabilities Lead

Received on Wednesday, 11 March 2015 20:39:31 UTC