Re: DPUB ARIA module

Thank you Ivan.

Janina, Michael,

At this point I believe all the concerns that were raised by the ARIA task
force were addressed by the DPUB ARIA task force. So, unless you would like
to have a formal resolution on today's PF call I see no reason to not
advance it to FPWD.

I have already shared the information with my IBM colleague working on
Readium accessibility and I will be sharing the information with Namo
Interactive who produces an EPUB authoring tool and for which I am on the
technical advisory board. I want to ensure we get industry feedback as
quickly as possible. We also need to work on API mappings.


Rich Schwerdtfeger

From: Ivan Herman <>
To: Janina Sajka <>
Cc: Tzviya Siegman <>, Richard
            Schwerdtfeger/Austin/IBM@IBMUS, W3C PF - DPUB Joint Task Force
            <>, Michael Cooper <>
Date: 06/24/2015 02:18 AM
Subject: Re: DPUB ARIA module

Janina, others,

my apologies for putting my administrative hat on:-) Maybe Michael should
also chime in if I am mistaken somewhere.

Formally speaking, the DPUB ARIA Module document is a publication of the PF
Working Group, as the status section clearly says. The status makes no
mention of the DPUB IG, and that is actually the right thing because the
current DPUB IG (as an Interest Group) is not chartered to publish a
Recommendation. This also means that, again by the process, a formal
RESOLUTION for FPWD publication should come from the PF WG only, there is
no need for such an administrative step on the DPUB IG side.

Of course, this is a joined task force, and there should be an agreement on
both sides to go ahead. As Tzviya said, this has already been discussed by
the DPUB IG, and the IG's approval is on record. So… while of course we can
go through the admin step if you really feel that it is necessary on the PF
side, it is certainly not necessary per W3C process (and, I must admit, I
prefer to reduce the admin load wherever possible). I think that if the PF
WG can formally vote for the resolution as quickly as possible, we can get
the admin done through Judy (as domain lead) and we can go on with the FPWD
publication next week.

My apologies again for the formalities…



> On 24 Jun 2015, at 03:01 , Janina Sajka <> wrote:
> Tzviya:
> Siegman, Tzviya - Hoboken writes:
>> Thanks, Rich
>> In the DPUB meeting this week, we did not put forward a formal
resolution, but we did discuss the document [1]. If it is necessary, we can
formally resolve over email.
> I think it would be good to log a formal RESOLUTION. Email is certainly
> OK, as long as there's a "decision" email at the end of the thread that
> can be pointed to.
> It's my bad for not bringing this up last week. I have no excuse, I
> simply forgot momentarilly that we're a joint TF, so technically need
> the approval of both sponsoring groups, D-Pub_IG and PF_WG for the FPWD
> request that will be forwarded to our W3C Domain Leads.
> I believe we can still publish next week.
> Rich: Thanks for reminding me that we did log a RESOLUTION during the
> D-Pub telecon last week. That was also my muddle today. Can I blame it
> on the heat? <grin>
> Janina
>> [1]

>> Tzviya Siegman
>> Digital Book Standards & Capabilities Lead
>> Wiley
>> 201-748-6884
>> From: Richard Schwerdtfeger []
>> Sent: Tuesday, June 23, 2015 12:34 PM
>> To: Janina Sajka
>> Cc: DPUB-ARIA (; Siegman, Tzviya - Hoboken
>> Subject: Re: DPUB ARIA module
>> Hi Janina,
>> The DPUB Accessibilty task force did formally resolve to take it to

>> Here is the text:
>> RESOLUTION: put this to FPWD
>> Were you referring to the ARIA task force? Both calls are held on
Thursdays. I think the main issues for the ARIA task force were addressed
with the dpub- vocab preamble.
>> Rich
>> Rich Schwerdtfeger
>> [cid:image001.gif@01D0ADB2.14028DC0]Janina Sajka ---06/23/2015 11:27:36
AM---Thanks Tzviya, and congratulations D-Pub! Because this is to be a
FPWD, it would be helpful to have
>> From: Janina Sajka <<>>
>> To: "Siegman, Tzviya - Hoboken" <<>>
>> Cc: "DPUB-ARIA (<
>)" <<>>
>> Date: 06/23/2015 11:27 AM
>> Subject: Re: DPUB ARIA module
>> ________________________________
>> Thanks Tzviya, and congratulations D-Pub!
>> Because this is to be a FPWD, it would be helpful to have a formal
RESOLUTION: logged requesting this
>> FPWD. Perhaps we can do that on a Thursday call?
>> Similarly, it would be good to have a RESOLUTION in support from the
>> D-Pub IG.
>> Janina
>> Siegman, Tzviya - Hoboken writes:
>>> Hi All,
>>> The draft of Digital Publishing WAI-ARIA Module [1] is ready for a
stable URL so that we can move forward with a CfC to DPUB and PF.
>>> Michael, I believe this is something that you manage?
>>> Thanks,
>>> Tzviya
>>> [1]

>>> Tzviya Siegman
>>> Digital Book Standards & Capabilities Lead
>>> Wiley
>>> 201-748-6884
>> --
>> Janina Sajka, Phone: +1.443.300.2200

>> Email:<>
>> Linux Foundation Fellow
>> Executive Chair, Accessibility Workgroup:

>> The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C), Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI)
>> Chair, Protocols & Formats

> --
> Janina Sajka,   Phone:   +1.443.300.2200

>       Email:
> Linux Foundation Fellow
> Executive Chair, Accessibility Workgroup:

> The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C), Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI)
> Chair,   Protocols & Formats


Ivan Herman, W3C
Digital Publishing Activity Lead

mobile: +31-641044153

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Received on Wednesday, 24 June 2015 13:00:44 UTC