agenda: DPUB-ARIA TF meeting 2015-01-22 1400 UTC

Hi All,

The next DPUB-ARIA TF meeting is scheduled for 2015-01-29 at 9:00 EST/14:00 UTC.

The Zakim bridge number is +1.617.761.6200.

the code conference is 2742 ("ARIA"), followed by the # key.

IRC: #dpub-aria

Agenda 1: Review additions to module[1], assess if DPUB is on the right track

Agenda 2: Relationships/Parent roles (ShaneM)


Thank you,


Tzviya Siegman * Digital Book Standards & Capabilities Lead * John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
111 River Street, MS 5-02 * Hoboken, NJ 07030-5774 * 201-748-6884 *<>

Received on Wednesday, 28 January 2015 20:02:43 UTC