Hello Accessibility Task Force and invited guests,
Our next meeting is tomorrow Friday March 11 at 10AM PST / 1PM EST / 18:00 UTC
Below is a link to the WebEx meeting, I will email the invited guests separately with the password into the WebEx system.
Here is the Agenda.
1. Addition of metaData (Braille/ Audio renditions) (Romain)
2. How to work with the ePub A11Y TF which will be referencing our Note (Avneesh)
3. Addition of MathML to our Note (Peter)
4. Status of last weeks tasks (Michael Cooper’s recommendations) (Deborah / Tzviya) & (Conversion of Google Doc WCAG Techniques to Wiki)(Charles)
5. How Matt could help us with word smithing our Note in order to get it published.
6. If time start to go over Alastair Campbell comments or at least task someone to do this work
Here is a link to the Draft of our Note
Join WebEx meeting
Meeting number: 642 567 899
Dial in: +1-617-324-0000
Direct access:
Password: (Ask Charles, Tzviya, or Deborah)
IRC channel information
Group: #dpub
Regards Deborah and Charles
Charles LaPierre
Technical Lead, DIAGRAM and Born Accessible