RE: [DPUB][A11Y] Meeting Friday February 5 at 18:00 UTC

I'm working on the ReSpec changes now. I will be able to attend only the first half of the meeting.

I'm not sure what the action item re: ARIA labelledby is. No one brought it up on Monday.

DPUB-ARIA already has and Is there something else you are hoping to add to the spec?

Tzviya Siegman
Digital Book Standards & Capabilities Lead

From: Charles LaPierre []
Sent: Thursday, February 04, 2016 3:29 PM
Subject: [DPUB][A11Y] Meeting Friday February 5 at 18:00 UTC

Hello A11Y DPUB Team,

Below is the Action Items, Agenda and Links to the Web Ex Meeting and information on the IRC channel we use for our meetings.
Hope you all can make it as we try to finalize the core of our NOTE.

Action Items
            adding the the paragraph explaining how the future work will be done.
            Can/Must/Should have meanings and we should NOT use them. or be carful. (will take an initial pass at this)
            add text given from Tzviya: we need a definition of Skippability or option to have UA to skip over chunk.
            CSS speech module in spec. no uptake talk to Daniel Weck.
            reach out to WAI and janina on ARIA connection
            make the explicit suggestions jump out more visibly by using emphasis
            ARIA labelledBy but that is only exposed to AT: Bring up this issue in DPUB meeting Monday
            W3C TR styles to use a bibliography/references' list at the end of the document and link to the real document
            DPUB ARIA, placeholders for page numbers.
            will convert WCAG DPUB A11Y Gap Analysis in Google Docs to W3C Wiki pages
            go through appendix and find the point person for each to get more contact info.

1. Go over Action Items that were assigned last week listed above
2. Review the Note and see what is left. you can find at
3. Come up with a plan on how to get this Note in draft W3C Shape by the IDPF meeting later this month
4. No A11Y DPUB meeting next Friday Feb 12

When: Friday at 10AM PST / 1PM EST / 18:00 UTC

Join WebEx meeting
Meeting number:         642 567 899
Dial in: +1-617-324-0000
Direct access:
Password: (Ask Charles, Tzviya, or Deborah)

IRC channel information
Group: #dpub

Regards Deborah and Charles

Charles LaPierre
Technical Lead, DIAGRAM and Born Accessible<>

Received on Thursday, 4 February 2016 20:33:09 UTC