RE: A11Y DPUB Meeting

Here is what I have for the Diagrammar Appendix. A little yet to do, but would like to make sure I am on the right track.
It is below and attached. 
Diagrammar is an XML framework to hold multiple extended description types, to make a wide range of content types accessible: images, tables, charts, animations, 3D animations etc. The Diagrammar, defines a data model for extended descriptions and associated metadata. It provides a structured, standard way for extended descriptions data to be modeled, including different modality types for extended descriptions.  The Diagrammar is defined using the "ANSI/NISO Z39.98"Authoring and Interchange Framework for Adaptive XML Publishing Specification."
In the Diagrammar Body
For a given information object in a publication, there may be associated one or more of the following accessibility elements :
•              summary: a very short description of the information object that requires an extended description.
•              about: A human readable identification of the enhancement, e.g. printable tactile graphic with associated tour of the tactile.
•              longdesc: Long description which can can contain HTML markup, e.g. a pie chart may best be described with a table.
•              simplifiedLanguageDescription: Can be repeated for different audiences.
•              tactile:  Designed for printing or for tactile screens of the future (hopefully).
•              Tour: A tour is associated with a tactile that explains how to explore the tactile, 3D model, etc.
•              braille: Text that is encoded as braille, e.g. the referenced HTML table may need specific braille formatting to be understandable.
•              simplifiedImage: A version of an image that reduces the complexity; a gray scale version which may assist in understanding.
In the Head of the Diagrammer
Metadata is used to help provide context on what this extended descriptions and files are. Example of the Metadata available would be:
•              Purpose: identification of the concept or concepts in the extended description.
•              Age / Grade Level: Helpful for determining the target audience
•              Quality rating:  Mechanism for crowd sources resources to improve extended descriptions.
•              copyright: copyright information about the extended description, e.g. copyrighted by a company, or Creative Commons license information.
This metadata could be ultimately searched on to find these alternate image descriptions.
•              Diagram Center Website
xxxadd link
•              Diagrammar Schema
xxx-add link
• ANSI/NISO Z39.98-2012 "Authoring and Interchange Framework for Adaptive XML Publishing Specification"

Received on Friday, 11 December 2015 17:47:54 UTC