Re: LC-1565 Use of escape characters in XPath expressions

Ok, it seems my explanation weren't sufficiently clear
I'm aware of XPath in XML
But the point beeing raised, was that in almost all the publication of
the W3C related to XPath, when the example is in an XML file, it is
If it is not explicitly in an XML, it is _not_ escaped

As most of your examples, are not explicitely in an XML file, they
shouldn't be escaped to keep consistency with other W3C specification


On 1/29/07, Rhys Lewis <> wrote:
> Dear Mohamed,
> Thanks you for your comments on the DISelect last call [1]. In your mail you
> raise a number of points.
> This particular response deals with the duplicate example you spotted. DIWG
> has identified this comment as
> LC-1565 Use of Escape Characters in XPath Expressions
> As is described in section 1.3 on Document Conventions, escaping is required
> when XPath expressions are used within XML. The passage in the document
> reads:
> "Expressions in the examples used in this document are based on [XPath 1.0].
> This syntax requires that specific characters be escaped appropriately for
> use within XML processors. This quoting is used explicitly throughout the
> document."
> The problem is that the characters < and > have special meaning to XML
> parsers wherever they are found (even within strings). This is a consequence
> of XML being an application of SGML.
> While DIWG has sympathy for the view that avoiding escapes would aid
> readability, unfortunately it is not allowed by the syntax requirements of
> XPath in XML.
> Consequently, DIWG must resolve to make no changes in response to this
> comment since DISelect complies with the requiremenst of XPath in XML.
> I hope you will feel able to accept this disposition of the comment and to
> post your acceptance on this list?
> Very best wishes.
> Rhys Lewis
> [1]

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Received on Tuesday, 30 January 2007 20:48:32 UTC