Re: LC-1563 Missing Spaces

Hello Elliotte, 
In your responses to the DISelect last call [1], you pointed out that there were a number of examples of missing spaces in the documents we published.
This particular response deals with missing spaces in the document. DIWG has identified this comment as
LC-1563 Missing Spaces
It was also independently identified and logged as LC-1567.
DIWG accepts this comment as indicating an typographical error in the DISelect documents.
The DIWG would like to thank you for spotting this error. It was, as you suspected, an unintended side effect of the particular tools we were using for creating the specification. 
We have changed the tools involved and this has solved the problem
I hope that you will agree that this is an appropriate change, and will be able to indicate your acceptance by a response to this mail on this list.
Very best wishes
Rhys Lewis
[2] <>  <>  <>  <>  <> 

Received on Monday, 29 January 2007 14:16:55 UTC