Refer to the following URI for this issue in the index of comment dispositions:

On today's call we agreed to accept the disposition of this issue, with content
information included in 'expr' values in the Full profile but not in 
the Basic profile.


>X-Originating-IP: []
>From: "Rhys Lewis" <>
>Reply-To: "" <>
>To: "" <>
>Cc: "" <>
>Subject: RE: WAI-1
>Date: Mon, 4 Sep 2006 10:04:41 +0100
>X-Accept-Language: en-gb, en
>X-Originating-IP: []
>X-Spam-Score: undef - spam scanning disabled
>X-IEEE-UCE-Filter-Settings: Alfred.S.Gilman redirected to 90_OPT_OUT
>X-IEEE-UCE-Stats-ID: Bayes signature not available
>X-Scanned-By: IEEE UCE Filtering Service (uce . ieee . org) on
>Thanks for the comments from the WAI group on the content selection 
>last call [1]. As part of this you include a point about the scope 
>of information that can be used in expressions that control 
>selection of content.
>The DIWG assigned this comment the identifier WAI-1.
>This mail document's the DIWG's response to your comments.
>DIWG Response
>In summary, DIWG agrees with this comment. The following response 
>indicates the changes we plan to make. We'll respond more fully with 
>details of the actual changes once they have been determined.
>XPath expressions within the expr attribute can use any information 
>available to the processor. The specification explicitly discusses 
>extensions by way of additional XPath functions and provides the 
>means by which authors can check for the availability of the 
>functions on which their expressions may depend.
>However, the specification only explicitly discusses a 'starter set' 
>of functions which mimic the capabilities of the proposed CSS Media 
>Queries specification. It is certainly not the intention of DIWG to 
>imply that this is the only set of functions that can be used. We 
>recognise that the current structure of the document can lead to 
>this impression, which is certainly not what we intend. To try and 
>address this, DIWG has split the definition of functions into a 
>separate document. At the same time, DIWG has defined additional 
>functions which broaden the capability of the specifications. This 
>document will be published with a revised version of the DISelect 
>document for second last call.
>The point about access to the host language document is interesting 
>and is an example of a more general case for access to materials 
>other those within the delivery context itself. DIWG has addressed 
>this by expanding the set of XPath functions available to include 
>mechanisms for accessing the host language document. It has also 
>created a small-footprint profile that omits this support (DISelect 
>Basic Profile) to allow DISelect to be used in resource constrained 
>Best wishes

Received on Wednesday, 8 November 2006 18:52:06 UTC