
Greetings Al, thanks for your comments on the content selection last call 
[1]. As part of this you include "Inconsistent show/hide policy".

The DIWG assigned this comment the identifier Gilman-9

This mail documents DIWG's response to your comments.

DIWG Response

This issue is similar to Gilman-1. The problem we face is that an 
unrecoverable error in expression processing yields completely 
unpredicatble results, including XML that is invalid or badly formed. 
Allowing processing to continue could lead to effects similar to those we 
outlined in Gilman-1, including crashing or damaging the user's device, or 
showing completely inappropriate material to a minor.

In contrast, the default value of the expr attribute is specified so the 
behaviour obtained by omitting it is at least predictable.

In addition, by providing a default value, we ensure backwards 
compatibility when DISelect is added to a processor which processes 
existing markup written before the DISelect module was added.


Regards, Roland

Received on Wednesday, 4 January 2006 14:18:38 UTC