
Greetings Al, thanks for your comments on the content selection last call 
[1]. As part of this you include "User overriding the author's precept"

The DIWG assigned this comment the identifier Gilman-2.

This mail documents DIWG's response to your comments.

DIWG Response

We have not accepted this comment. Our reasons are as follows . . . 

The reasons why it is not possible in general to allow content simply to 
flow to the UA for user choice have already been discussed in the response 
to Gilman-1. Alternative mechanisms to provide better means of influencing 
user experience have also been addressed there.

This comment does raise the issue of distribution of adaptation and the 
protocols required to allow one DISelect processor to inform another of 
its capabilities. This protocol is considered outside the scope of the 
DISelect specification itself.


Regards, Roland

Received on Wednesday, 4 January 2006 11:17:49 UTC