W3C Digital Offers Community Group Meeting Monday June 19 @ 11AM Eastern (US)

The next meeting of the W3C Digital Offers Community Group is Monday, June 19, 2017 at 11:00 AM Eastern Time(US).


* Review status of the use case prioritizations.

    We have asked members to please give indications of how important the use cases we've produced are for standardizing digital

     offers on the web.

    The revised questionnaire is here: https://goo.gl/forms/hav5sIJ6YNRv00yo1

    Please answer it if you've not done so already.  Note that we tried to make it easier to reason about and answer, but if you

    answered a previous version, please answer this one now.

* Introduction of External Work - Schema.org

    An example of external work underway in digital offers can be found on Schema.org.  We will introduce the concept of Schema.org

    and examine some ways we might make use of this work.


* Proposal of a new Use Case Group - Metrics

    For Digital Marketing (as opposed to offers), metrics are essential for the business model.  These can include measuring things such as:

    1) Reach - did the offer get to the desired recipients.

    2) Resonance - did the recipients respond positively to the item (i.e. bookmark it or put it in their wallet)

    3) Reaction - did the recipient buy anything as a result.

Please add to your calendars with call in information is as follows:

Please use IRC for chat

IRC: Access Directly the digital offers IRC channel through the W3C IRC Web Interface

              * Channel: #digitaloffers

              * Or, if you are configuring your own client: irc.w3.org, port 6667.

              * When you join, type "present+ <yourircnickname>" so that you are properly recorded in the minutes

For voice use gotomeeting as shown below:


Access Code: 389-946-949

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Linda Toth
Director of Standards
Conexxus, Inc.
Office: (727)-754-6747
Cell:  (727)-631-5536
email:  ltoth@conexxus.org<mailto:ltoth@conexxus.org>

Received on Saturday, 17 June 2017 12:56:20 UTC