RE: Digital Offers Community Group - W3C - Please Vote


Just a reminder that the voting for prioritization of the topics/use cases will close this Sunday April 30.  If you have not already voted, please take a few minutes to do so now.  The link is:

Our next meeting will be Monday, May 8 at 12 noon Eastern.  I will send out call-in information for that meeting next week.

Linda Toth

From: Linda Toth
Sent: Monday, April 17, 2017 12:24 PM


Our next step as a group should be to pare down the list of topics/use cases we're considering.  Once we've done that, we should begin to look at specific suggestions for making those use cases practical in the work of W3C.

I'm asking you to please fill out your ranking of the use cases using this form by Sunday April 30 (extended from April 16)  We will schedule a CG telcon in May to finalize our selections and move on to deeper examination of the topics remaining.  Details of that meeting will follow.

As always, please contact me with any questions.

Linda Toth
Director of Standards
Conexxus, Inc.
Office: (727)-754-6747
Cell:  (727)-631-5536

Received on Friday, 28 April 2017 19:51:05 UTC