Digital Offers - Next Steps - Please vote (link inside)

Dear Digital Offers CG:

I'd like to start by letting you know that we had a very good session at the Chicago Face to Face meeting of the Web Payments IG.

Our next step as a group should be to pare down the list of topics/use cases we're considering.  Once we've done that, we should begin to look at specific suggestions for making those use cases practical in the work of W3C.

Please fill out your ranking of the use cases using this form by Sunday April 16.  We will schedule a CG telcon April 17 at noon Eastern Time US (our usual time) to finalize our selections and move on to deeper examination of the topics remaining.

As always, please contact me with any questions.


Linda Toth
Director of Standards
Conexxus, Inc.
Office: (727)-754-6747
Cell:  (727)-631-5536

Received on Monday, 10 April 2017 23:26:11 UTC