LD-Proof vs LD-Signature


What is the reason to have both ld-proof (https://w3c-dvcg.github.io/ld-proofs/ <https://w3c-dvcg.github.io/ld-proofs/>) and ld-signature (https://w3c-dvcg.github.io/ld-signatures/ <https://w3c-dvcg.github.io/ld-signatures/>) specifications?
I compared them in the diff https://www.diffchecker.com/DU45GIit <https://www.diffchecker.com/DU45GIit> and it seems that ld-proof spec is just copy of ld-signatures with replaced “signature”->”proof”.

This increases complexity of software, which implements these specifications. Isn’t it?


Received on Sunday, 29 July 2018 17:12:45 UTC