Re: [AGENDA] W3C Credentials CG Call Tue, August 7th, 12 noon ET, 9 AM PT

Linus, thanks for quick reply. I still have a few questions and issues to clarify:


How many organizers are needed for wide adoption?

Monetary and non-monetary incentives for organizers? Organization of party is time and energy consuming - why would organizers do it?

Corrupt organizers - who will check organizers? - other organizers? why should we trust them? Will there be a hierarchy? How transparency will be ensured? Will rules be too complex (almost replicating elections)?

Benefits vs costs to cheat for organizers? Can organizer "buy a house" by cheating at organizing a party?

Cost to organize Pseudonymous Party - per participant, per organizers? (I am looking for rough estimation in USD. I saw 1-8$ here 1000 people party - 1-8 thousand USD cost - this is a lot) 

"PoPCoin value will be defined by the market" - any estimation how much market might value it and why? Also see 1st issue.


local parties made by different communities/organizers >> different trustworthiness to different communities >> different value of local currencies/PoPCoins >> how to merge currencies/PoPCoins from different parties?

"people are allowed to dress up, mask" – this opens oppotunity for corrupted/colluded organizers to produce video file with people who had stamps from another parties

Can trade of PoPTokens be avoided? If not it makes impossible democratic voting as parties will pay for PoPTokens.


Reputation accumulation can also be sybil-attacked by people who set up a lot of accounts and the cross-vote for their accounts to be ‘good’.

I disagree with this from practical perspective. If we take Twitter for example, it is easy to get a lot of fake followers, but it is hard to get a lot of real ones. It is also hard to accumulate high quality content/tweets. In my practice it is quite easy to distinguish fake vs real accounts on Twitter, with regards to avoiding trolls, spammers, propagators.

Evenmore, PoPTokens will not work to beat trolls/propagators (BTW - is this the end goal of PoPToken?) because trolls/propagators will simply buy PoPTokens. 



Received on Tuesday, 7 August 2018 12:42:41 UTC