W3C Credentials Community Group name and mission statement status

Dear Web Security and Web App Security members,

A few W3C members raised concerns about the W3C Credentials CG being
confused with the Web App Security, Web Auth, and Web Crypto work during
the Verifiable Claims WG review. This is an update on where we are.

We have refined the our intent with the word "Credential" and have a new
mission here: https://w3c-ccg.github.io/. We have passed this definition
and mission by the current CG, Verifiable Claims WG, and Web Payments IG.
We are checking with this group to ensure there are no objections to the
name of the CG as well as the mission.

Thank you and best regards,
Kim Duffy & Christopher Allen
W3C Credentials Community Group co-chairs
Kim Hamilton Duffy
CTO & Principal Architect Learning Machine
Co-chair W3C Credentials Community Group
400 Main Street Building E19-732, Cambridge, MA 02139

kim@learningmachine.com | kimhd@mit.edu
425-652-0150 | LearningMachine.com

Received on Monday, 11 September 2017 03:48:00 UTC