RE: Adding a third co-chair to W3C-CCG

+1 for sure!

From: Christopher Allen []
Sent: Mittwoch, 1. November 2017 01:49
To: W3C Credentials CG (Public List) <>; W3C Digital Verification CG (Public List) <>
Cc: Joe Andrieu <>
Subject: Adding a third co-chair to W3C-CCG

The co-chairs of the W3C Credentials CG would like to bring in a third co-chair to help with longer term planning, coordination, and generally keeping our work items on track.

We would like to nominate Joe Andrieu as a possible 3rd co-chair. Joe has been a long-term contributor to our community and offers expertise in areas that would complement the current leadership team — project management and the impact on individuals of the technologies we are building.

We’d like to get feedback within 2 weeks (by our November 14th meeting) if there are any objections or alternative candidates.

Joe will be at TPAC next week if you’d like to meet him in person.

— Christopher Allen & Kim Hamilton

Received on Friday, 3 November 2017 13:06:34 UTC