Re: W3C Interest Group on Digital Publishing (Draft Charter)


this just a 'thanks' mail acknowledging receipt; my coming week will be fairly full, but we will obviously handle these comments. I am not yet sure how exactly these issues should be reflected in the charter...



Ivan Herman
Tel:+31 641044153

(Written on mobile, sorry for brevity and misspellings...)

On 21 Apr 2013, at 09:11, Jens Erlandsen <> wrote:

> Dear Ivan Herman
> Thanks for the follow-up on the ebook seminar.
> I believe 3 important aspects has to be included:
> a) streaming
> There will without doubt be business models around bsaed on streaming, either fully or partly. Partly, if you have a content that includes media overlays, you might want to offer streaming of the sound; Fully if you are Google or Spotify or Kindle etc.
> b) e-publishing is content in a context
> There exists at least 3 types of context:
> i) content contextual
> ii) author/publisher/distribution
> iii) social context: relatives/friends, other readers, etc.
> c) creativity
> When content are packed/distributed in electronic form the straitjacket of paper will disappear - and new art forms will appear on stage. Do we make standards that take that into account or do we carry on simulating the old ways of doing content?
> I would like to participate, but have limited time. As I have worked with and within the publishing industry since 1988 about electronic publishing (was member of IEPRC, eg.) I believe I can bring editorial aspects to the table as well.
> Best regards
> Jens

Received on Sunday, 21 April 2013 19:18:01 UTC