RE: [DPUB-ANNOTATION-UC] Annotations for accessibility use case


Because the annotations are done by somebody other than the publisher. For example, an accessible EPUB is produced that meets the needs of 80% of the disability community. An organization for the blind  (like those in the DAISY Consortium) then creates a set of annotations that enhance the base book to make it fully accessible. They may add detailed descriptions, links to tactile graphics, or 3D files, etc. The primary publisher is not going to do that kind of enhancements.


-----Original Message-----
From: Leonard Rosenthol [] 
Sent: Sunday, October 11, 2015 12:34 PM
To: George Kerscher;;; 'Web Annotation'
Subject: Re: [DPUB-ANNOTATION-UC] Annotations for accessibility use case

Now I am very confused.

You are suggesting that information that could improve accessibility be placed in annotations - rather than as part of the content itself?  That seems like a improper use for annotations - at least as in the model that I (and my users would have) for annotations. 

I would think that improved accessibility belongs on the content proper and not very loosely hung off the side.   Why would you see annotations as a benefit for the accessibility community??


On 10/11/15, 12:00 PM, "George Kerscher" <> wrote:

>Accessible annotations for SVG and  canvas seem to be a bit different.
>SVG has a great deal of built in items for accessibility and many uses of SVG should use those features. They are not as widely adopted as we would like, but plenty of work has gone into the accessibility features.
>However, an annotation for accessibility may still be useful. For example, a 3D model might provide a better mechanism for explaining the concepts intended to be conveyed in the SVG.
>For canvas, one or more of the elements detailed in the Diagrammar  content model could be used in the annotation. I expect a textual description would be the most common use, but tactile graphics with  accompanying explanation of how to explore the tactile (tour) might be selected.
>At any rate, the EPUB may meet the baseline for accessibility, but for some disability groups more would be needed.
>It would be difficult for a publisher to put in everything that might be needed in the wild, and a DSSO office or an organization doing enhancements could create the additional information and of course deliver the enhancements through annotations.
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Leonard Rosenthol [] 
>Sent: Sunday, October 11, 2015 9:46 AM
>To: George Kerscher;;; 'Web Annotation'
>Subject: Re: [DPUB-ANNOTATION-UC] Annotations for accessibility use case
>George - can you comment on how this would relate to accessibility for SVG or Canvas?
>On 10/11/15, 10:44 AM, "George Kerscher" <> wrote:
>>Dear Working Groups,
>>At the very start of discussions about annotations, the use case for
>>enhancing publications for accessibility was provided.
>>There certainly will be items in Accessible EPUB  or any other digital
>>specification that will require enhancements; STEM materials, for example
>>will need more elaboration than is provided in the accessible version that
>>meets a baseline.
>>At, a Diagrammar  framework for making content accessible
>>has been developed. We have been thinking that this content model would be
>>transformed to structured HTML5 and used to annotate an item in a EPUB or
>>other digital formats.
>>I simply want to remind the working group of this fundamental use case.
>>George Kerscher Ph.D.
>>-In our Information Age, access to information is a fundamental human right.
>>Secretary General, DAISY Consortium
>>Senior Officer, Accessible Technology Learning Ally Together It's Possible 
>>President, International Digital Publishing Forum (IDPF) 
>>Member of the National Museum and Library Services  Board (IMLS)
>>Chair Steering Council Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI), a division of the
>>Phone: +1 406/549-4687
>>Cell:+1 406/544-2466 

Received on Sunday, 11 October 2015 20:00:30 UTC