Notes on Requirements for Latin Text Layout and Pagination

Hello all,

I’ve recently joined the group with hopes of creating a flawless system for text layouts and, eventually, being able to create and print well laid-out PDFs directly from a page. The working draft is an excellent document. Here are some notes on the issues at-hand which should be of some use:
5.1 Widows
Pagination of 'Digital Content '
If so, this does not take into account differing screen heights
 properties should be considered (widow-preference) to lay out the text:
 “running short”
run-short (default)
space-words (small space adjustments between words to satisfy spread) 
5.6 Space Breaks and Ornaments
Can be mimicked with CSS
Could a use the <br> tag? Ideally, p+br or br+p
p+br :: page - ( top || bottom || inside)
Perhaps page p:: last-of-type:after { content: ‘ * * * ’ }
7.1 Drop caps
IMO, punctuation falls into the category of an ornamental and, as such, would fall outside the spacing of letter.
If CSS were to be used, :first-letter:before { content: “*”} and :after { “” } would suffice.
11.1 Alignment
 Flush left centre alignment naming
text-align: migrate ( -left || -right )
17.3 Aligning equations
text-align: migrate ( -left || -right )
19.2 Em-dashes and en-dashes
Style guides in the AP dictate the usage of spaces.
Solution: Use font-face to provide a single-glyph subset, (
Publishers have the in-house capabilities to be able to provide font-faces with different glyphs, rather than using style replacement mechanisms. 
However, this eliminates the extra ‘spaces’ when copying the text. 
As a rule of thumb, we know CSS should be used for stylistic purposes. Is the solution simply to always add the small spaces around the dash?
22.2 Chapter optimization
Some excellent baseline and page layout mechanisms can be derived from Grid Systems in Graphic Design by Josef Muller-Brockmann… are these worth exploring?

Received on Monday, 6 October 2014 21:39:22 UTC