[latinreq] ED 2014-03-12 comments

1. When accessed using HTTPS as https://w3c.github.io/dpub-pagination/,
Firefox (at least) doesn't show the ToC, etc., and only shows them once
blocking of non-encrypted content is disabled.

2. Section 4.1, Hyphenation

I thought this was commented on earlier by someone else, but now I can't
find it...

'reap-ear', sans hyphen, isn't a word.  Should this be 'reap-pear'?

3. Section 11, Tables

Should the text say something about the practice of using lining figures
in tables?


Tony Graham                                         tgraham@mentea.net
Consultant                                       http://www.mentea.net
Chair, Print and Page Layout Community Group @ W3C    XML Guild member
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Mentea       XML, XSL-FO and XSLT consulting, training and programming

Received on Monday, 23 June 2014 14:29:06 UTC