[latinreq] Further reading?

The current draft has quotes from "The Elements of Typographic Style"
and "Chicago Manual of Style", and JLReq lists the Chicago Manual of
Style among its references [1].  Would it be useful to have, e.g., a
"Further Reading" section with references to sources such as those,
otherwise latinreq would have to become book-size itself if it's going
to cover everything about "pagination and layout of books in latin


Tony Graham                                   tgraham@mentea.net
Consultant                                 http://www.mentea.net
Mentea       13 Kelly's Bay Beach, Skerries, Co. Dublin, Ireland
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    XML, XSL-FO and XSLT consulting, training and programming
       Chair, Print and Page Layout Community Group @ W3C

[1] http://www.w3.org/TR/jlreq/#references

Received on Sunday, 5 January 2014 23:26:18 UTC