behavioral UI extension

Hi All,

I realized that I never sent this message out after the Behavioral UI session of DPUB. Apologies for the delay.

At the Jan. 20 DPUB meeting (minutes<>) we focused on the recently renamed Behavioral UI sub-group.  The intent of this group is to look at where the open web platform has applied "extensions" to the platform in order to achieve some interaction or behavioral goal. There are use cases from reading systems trying to accomplish specific behaviors, such as a continuous background sound track while reading a book (see

Next steps: Add more use cases demonstrating categories of existing examples of behaviors. What kind of behaviors?  We are working with a fuzzy definition for now, but we will refine it as we move forward.  These cases describe what happens when the _user_ wants to change the styling or when user input and author intent may be in conflict and perhaps need to be negotiated. This may include a user tapping on a note for a pop up view, a user switching to night mode reading, accessing a specific dictionary when reading chemistry content. I know there are many use cases in the wild, but I have not encountered all of them. We would also like to assess how wide spread use cases are.

This area will sometimes overlap with metadata and personalization. We have not yet had a discussion about epub-type (or epub:type), which this group may cover as well.

Thanks to Brady for adding a case already. Please add additional use cases to the wiki ( and add to the discussion.


Tzviya Siegman * Senior Content Technology Specialist * John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
111 River Street, MS 5-02 * Hoboken, NJ 07030-5774 * 201-748-6884 *<>

Received on Tuesday, 4 February 2014 19:05:38 UTC