- From: Ivan Herman <ivan@w3.org>
- Date: Sat, 25 Mar 2017 09:21:35 +0100
- To: Garth Conboy <garth@google.com>
- Cc: W3C Digital Publishing IG <public-digipub-ig@w3.org>
- Message-Id: <6716406D-80AE-42E8-ADE0-2D9660072A55@w3.org>
> On 24 Mar 2017, at 17:05, Garth Conboy <garth@google.com <mailto:garth@google.com>> wrote: > > Hi DPUB IG Folks, > > We are making good progress on the Publishing WG Charter, and we have nothing controversial pending right now, so we'll cancel the call next Monday (the 27th). > > It's likely we'll have the call on April 3rd -- Ivan will make that decision and either send out an agenda or cancelation notice next week (I'm on vacation, but will be back Monday the 3rd). > > We had good attendance at the DPUB Business Group inaugural meeting in London, but there is certainly room for additional participation: feel encouraged to join at: https://www.w3.org/community/publishingbg/ <https://www.w3.org/community/publishingbg/> > > Also, the EPUB3 Community Group now has 94 members (wow!) and work should be kicking off there shortly. Feel free to join the (large) party at: https://www.w3.org/community/epub3/ <https://www.w3.org/community/epub3/> > > We had good participation in the poll <https://docs.google.com/a/google.com/forms/d/1v0pw8p3dfNWk_emZsUH5TM5A4vxtBqp37aBTpY6QFbI/edit> related to the first face-to-face for the soon-to-be-formed Publishing Working Group -- the results from the 18 replies are as follows: > 22% -- Yes, either NYC or Paris > 28% -- Yes, NYC only > 22% -- Yes, either NYC or Paris, but prefer NYC > 17% -- Yes, either NYC or Paris, but prefer Paris > 11% -- No > So, NYC wins for the June 23rd and 24th dates. Slight modification: we are talking about the 22nd and 23rd, Thursday & Friday Ivan > > I'd advice not yet making flight arrangements, as in order to really confirm these dates, we'll need to get our Charter up for a vote two months earlier -- the target being before the AC meeting in Beijing April 23rd-25th (so less than a month from now). I think it's likely we'll make that schedule, so it's likely the F-to-F will be in NYC on June 23rd & 24th. > > And lastly, FYI, "MITRE Corporation has nominated Dorian Voegeli to Digital Publishing Interest Group" so we'll hopefully have a new member on our next call. > > Best, > Garth > ---- Ivan Herman, W3C Publishing@W3C Technical Lead Home: http://www.w3.org/People/Ivan/ <http://www.w3.org/People/Ivan/> mobile: +31-641044153 ORCID ID: http://orcid.org/0000-0003-0782-2704 <http://orcid.org/0000-0003-0782-2704>
Received on Saturday, 25 March 2017 08:21:46 UTC