Re: [dpub] 20160321 agenda

(Mailing on behalf of Peter)

This is the very initial CG charter that we are discussing.

There are many technical issues in presenting mathematics in today's Open Web Platform, which has lead to the poor access to Mathematics in Web Pages. This in spite of the existing de jure or de facto standards for authoring mathematics, like MathML, LaTeX, or asciimath, which have been around for a very long time and are widely used by the mathematical and technical communities.

While MathML was supposed to solve the problem of rendering mathematics on the web it lacks in both implementations and general interest from browser vendors.

However, in the past decade, many math rendering tools have been pushing math on the web forward using HTML/CSS and SVG.

One of the identified issues is that, while browser manufacturers have continually improved and extended their HTML and CSS layout engines, the approaches to render mathematics have not been able to align with these improvements. In fact, the current approaches to math layout could be considered  to be largely disjoint from the other technologies of OWP.

This Community Group intends to look at the problems of mathematical layout in very bottom up manner. Experts should identify how the core OWP layout engines, centered around HTML, SVG, and CSS, can be re-used for the purpose of mathematical layout by mapping mathematical entities on top of these, thereby ensuring a much more efficient result, and making use of current and future OWP optimization possibilities.

This work should also reveal where the shortcomings are, from the mathematical layout point of view, in the details of these OWP technologies, and propose improvements and possible additions to these, with the ultimate goal of reaching out to the responsible W3C Working Groups to make these changes. This work may also reveal new technology areas that should be specified and standardized on their own right, for example in the area of Web Accessibility.

The ultimate goal is to pave the way for a standard, and highly optimized implementation architecture, on top of which mathematical syntaxes, like LaTeX or MathML, may be mapped to provide an efficient display of mathematical formulae.

Note that, although this community group will concentrate on mathematics, many other publishing areas, e.g., science and engineering, will benefit from the approach, and from the core architecture.

We see this Community Group as a first of many as we hope to encourage similar groups to form. We believe beyond layout and semantics, there is room to extend the development of mathematical markup like MathML, to align and develop the various flavors of LaTeX-like syntax on the web, and to improve the interaction between human markup and computational & visual tools.

We also hope, the results of this Community Group may become the basis for the mapping of such diverse specialized structures like chemical markup, physical concepts, or music.

> On 18 Mar 2016, at 17:17, Markus Gylling <> wrote:
> Hi all,
> Below is the draft agenda for next week's IG concall, to be held at the usual time and day [0]. PLEASE NOTE that the US and the US-based tools for W3C have switched to DST. If you have not changed clocks (Europe, Asia), this meeting will be one hour earlier for you!
> Please let us know if you are able to scribe. Please join the call via WebEx [1] and join IRC [13] for live chat & minutes (IRC channel #dpub).
> Webex: (note: you will need a password. Refer to earlier message for pwd or log in to IRC to obtain)
> Agenda:
> * Approve last weeks minutes [2]
> * Mathematics on the Web CG (Peter) - charter draft (will be circulated by email)
> * A11Y note status update (Charles, Deborah)
> * Use cases, cont'd (Romain et al) [3]
> - status walkthrough of existing corpus? (Romain)
> - how do we produce use cases for weak/non-existing areas?
> - migrating PWP draft use cases
> - incoming from archival TF? (Tim/Ayla)
> - incoming from A11Y group? (Deborah/Charles)
> - incoming from Locators group? (Ben)
> - finding new contributors
> [0]
> [1]
> [2]
> [3]
> -------------------------------------------------
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> Webex [10]
> Join chat and minutes on Zakim
> We will also use an IRC channel to minute the discussions:
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> Available ports (choose one): 6667, 6665, 21 IRC channel: #dpub See how to connect [11] using an IRC client [12] or our web interface [13] User Instructions for Zakim [14] To mute your line press 61#. Unmute is 60#.
> To place yourself on the speaker queue ('q+' in irc) press 41# (Handup).
> Unqueue ('q-' in irc) is 40#.
> -------------------------------------------------
> Digital Publishing Interest Group home page Digital Publishing Interest Group Wiki
> * Digital Publishing Interest Group Charter
> * IG Task forces
> [10]
> [11]
> [13]
> [13]
> [14]

Ivan Herman, W3C
Digital Publishing Lead
mobile: +31-641044153

Received on Friday, 18 March 2016 16:28:19 UTC