Re: [dpub] 20160307 agenda

Regrets for me.

> On Fri, Mar 4, 2016 at 8:59 AM, Markus Gylling <
> 209 <>> wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> Below is the draft agenda for next week's IG concall, to be held at the
>> usual time and day [0]. Please let us know if you are able to scribe.
>> Please join the call via WebEx [1] and join IRC [13] for live chat &
>> minutes (IRC channel #dpub).
>> Webex:
>> <> (note: you will need a password.
>> Refer to earlier message for pwd or log in to IRC to obtain)
>> Agenda:
>> * approve last weeks minutes [2]
>> * Virtual F2F: proposed day+time: May 25th 12-16 UTC
>>  F2F topics:
>>    - work on use cases
>>    - final steps/edits for publishing A11Y note, Locators note, Archiving
>> note (if not done yet)
>> * A11Y Note status (Deborah/Charles)
>> - response to feedback
>> * Use cases
>> - status walkthrough of existing corpus? (Romain)
>> - how do we produce use cases for weak/non-existing areas?
>> - migrating PWP draft use cases
>> - incoming from archival TF? (Tim/Ayla)
>> - incoming from A11Y group? (Deborah/Charles)
>> - incoming from Locators group? (Ben)
>> - finding new contributors
>> [0]
>> 211
>> <>
>> [1]
>> <>
>> [2]
>> <>
>> -------------------------------------------------
>> To join this telecon, use the following logistics:
>> Webex [10]
>> Join chat and minutes on Zakim
>> We will also use an IRC channel to minute the discussions:
>> Address:  irc.w3.org214 <>
>> Available ports (choose one): 6667, 6665, 21 IRC channel: #dpub See how
>> to connect [11] using an IRC client [12] or our web interface [13] User
>> Instructions for Zakim [14] To mute your line press 61#. Unmute is 60#.
>> To place yourself on the speaker queue ('q+' in irc) press 41# (Handup).
>> Unqueue ('q-' in irc) is 40#.
>> -------------------------------------------------
>> Digital Publishing Interest Group home page
>> <> Digital Publishing Interest Group Wiki
>> <>
>> * Digital Publishing Interest Group Charter
>> <>
>> * IG Task forces
>> <>
>> [10]
>> <>
>> [11] <>
>> [13]
>> <>
>> [13] <>
>> [14]
>> <>
> --
> Ayla Stein
> Metadata Librarian
> Main Library
> University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
> 1408 W. Gregory Drive | 220 Library | Urbana IL 61801
> Phone 217.300.2598224 <217.300.2598> | email astein@illinois.edu225
> <>
> <>

Received on Monday, 7 March 2016 13:51:47 UTC