Manifest section updated in UCR doc

Hi all,

The manifest section 5.4/5.5 in the UCR [1] has been updated as per our
discussion this morning.


I think we want sections 5.4 and 5.5 to be at the top of the manifest
section. But I think we have more work to do in restructuring and
clarifying everything in Section 5, so I'll hold off on that change
until our next call in August when we discuss this again.

If anyone feels like doing some HTML magic, I could use some help making
the internal references (like "See section on Accessibility) anchored
and linked. I am a bit more familiar with XML and using xrefs; not sure
if it's the same in HTML.

Talk to you all in August!


Received on Monday, 11 July 2016 16:13:31 UTC