Re: Intro for use-cases document

Thanks for sharing this, Nick.

I appreciate the humor of the first line, but the second line strikes me as demonstrating what I believe is one of the key “pivot points” on our work of PWP as we move from theory into practice.

Many of our members/participants are coming from the classical publishing industry – and they wish to continue to have their various needs and uses addressed.
We also have members coming from the web publishing world, where content has different needs and requirements.  And then there are those of us who work with content that are traditionally referred to as documents, rather than publications, where again the needs and requirements differ.

Today our list of use cases and requirements cover all three areas – as I believe it should.  And it’s important, at least IMO, that any introduction address the various avenues that have led us (the DPUB community) to this laundry list.

And as we begin to move beyond the uses to the specifics of how we will get there – we will begin the process of prioritization and focus around them.  And that’s when the fun and fireworks will start ☺.   Hopefully, what will keep us all busy at TPAC.


From: Nick Ruffilo <>
Date: Wednesday, July 6, 2016 at 4:36 PM
To: "DPUB mailing list (" <>
Subject: Intro for use-cases document
Resent-From: <>
Resent-Date: Wednesday, July 6, 2016 at 4:37 PM

I was tasked with writing an intro for the use case document.  I believe Ivan said he would help ensure it got into GitHub correctly, but I figured sending to the entire group wouldn't be a bad thing.

<p>Every 100 years, a piece of literature is written that is so grand, it becomes canon and will be read and studied for countless generations.  This document is not that piece of literature, but the following use cases outline the functionality desired by publishers, authors, and readers to ensure that the next great piece of literature can thrive on the open web.</p>

<p>The printed book has had hundreds of years of refinement, typesetting, and features added to make it an amazing form for conveying both fiction and non-fiction content.  These use-cases outline the requirements of publishers, readers, and authors for being able to consume content on the web that is at least as accessible (or hopefully more accessible) than in print.</p>

Am I missing anything?

- Nick Ruffilo
@NickRuffilo<> an INGRAM company

Received on Wednesday, 6 July 2016 21:45:53 UTC