Re: [dpub-pwp] Pull request for rewrite of intro to PWP white paper

On Mon, Dec 12, 2016 at 10:47 PM, Florian Rivoal <> wrote:

> Besides, even if there is an overall linear order for the document, not all resources are part of that order. Some, instead of being navigated to/from other resources, are used in other resources (images, fonts, HTML documents in iframes...), and are therefore neither before or after anything.
> In other words, to build upon a strawman I'm sure you'll recognize, I mean something like this would be ok:
> <div role=e0-manifest>
>  <nav>
>   <ol>
>    <li><a href="...">Chapter 1</a>         <!-- part of the PWP in the spine and ToC -->
>    <li><a href="...">Chapter 2</a>         <!-- part of the PWP in the spine and ToC -->
>    <li hidden><a href="...">Colophon</a>   <!-- part of the PWP in the spine but not the ToC -->
>   </ol>
>  <nav>
>  <link rel=prefetch href="foo.png">        <!-- not in the spine nor ToC yet part of the PWP -->
>  <link rel=prefetch href="bar.otf">        <!-- not in the spine nor ToC yet part of the PWP -->
>  <link rel=prefetch href="unordered.html"> <!-- not in the spine nor ToC yet part of the PWP -->
> </div>

The term "primary constituent resources" is what EPUB might refer to
as spine items. They would usually be HTML documents rather than
images, fonts, scripts, or stylesheets. I'm not saying that all
resources are ordered; only those top-level resources being presented
to the reader.



Received on Thursday, 15 December 2016 17:38:27 UTC