User Stylesheets Document - Alpha Draft

A few weeks ago I committed to getting a User Stylesheets Use-Case
document.  I would greatly appreciate any help (probably only 10 minutes of
someone's time) in getting a proper wiki page set up for this, but here is
my start:

*User-Controlled Style Override Use Cases*

The goal of this document is to outline the use-cases where a user would
want to over-ride or augment the user-agent and site-specific stylesheets.

Disabilities and their needs:

Visually Impaired -
* Increase font size of body content
* Highlight Menu Options
* Identify menu items and body content to allow for text-to-speech
* Text provided for image-based menus
* Consideration for non-mouse non-touch screen navigation

Dyslexia -
* Ability to over-ride readable fonts (not icon fonts)
Color Blind
* Ability to change background & font colors to increase visibility
Specific to Reading/Long-form
* Ability to customize link/reference styling to make more obvious.
* Target and Relative font size (all fonts +2em VS all fonts pegged at 36px)

- Nick Ruffilo
@NickRuffilo <>

Received on Tuesday, 8 September 2015 17:30:11 UTC