Contributing to the packaging discussion; meet the editor...

Hi everybody,

meet Yves Lafon, by colleague in the W3C team. Yves has taken over the packaging document[1] on behalf of the TAG and the WebApp WG (Jeni Tennisson, who was the original editor, has moved on to other pastures...).

I had some discussions with Yves yesterday on how this IG could contribute to the work. Some of these have already been discussed, in part, in this IG, some not yet.

- The requirements, technical features needed by the DPUB community would be very important to the WebApp WG. We should really try to collect those.
- A step further: a full-blown use case from the DPUB point of view, to be added to the document (maybe alongside what is already there[2]) would also be good and helpful. I guess a one or two paragraph version of our white paper[3] is what we should produce.
- Note that there are some discussions already ongoing on the packaging document that we may want to chime in or at least look at. The issues are on github[4]; Yves said that the one on security[5] is probably the most active one right now. Maybe the most effective would be if, instead of producing a separate document with the requirements, explicit issues would be raised on [4] by this IG once there is some sort of a consensus (and, of course, private persons may also raise issues directly).
- There is a, sort of, accompanying document in preparation at the WebApp on manifests[6] which may be very relevant for our discussions, eg, on TOC-s. Worth keeping an eye and include it in our discussions.
- Last but not least: the WebApp is looking for people ready to work on this; Yves is not in position to carry this alone. The DPUB community is now in position to really participate and cooperate in (and influence:-) this work by finding an active person to work with that group (and with Yves), possibly acting as editor of the document. I believe we should really try to find the right person from among our midst and give her/him as much help as we can.

Yves has also agreed, modulo some family scheduling issues, to join our call if and when packaging is discussed. Note that Yves is not on this IG list, so he should be CC-d explicitly for issues and discussions on this.




Ivan Herman, W3C
Digital Publishing Activity Lead
mobile: +31-641044153

Received on Tuesday, 17 February 2015 09:27:39 UTC