While it is still fresh in our minds: '!' is not just a funny fragment identifier...

This came up today, I think maybe Romain mentioned it: that the '!' approach for content URL looks very much like a fragment ID, so why do we make a differentiation? (But I may have misunderstood the remark, in which case my apologies!)

There is one aspect that we should not forget about where '!' and '#' are very different. Per HTTP the fragment identifier is resolved, and acted upon, on the client side. Ie, the approach is that if I request

http://www.example.org/A#B <http://www.example.org/A#B>

then the GET request will deliver the http://www.example.org/A <http://www.example.org/A> as a whole to the client, which will then select, in a second step, B out of A.

However, a '!' is a bona fide part of a URI. Ie, if I request

http://www.example.org/A!B <http://www.example.org/A!B>

then the server is supposed to deliver http://www.example.org/A!B <http://www.example.org/A!B> to the client, not http://www.example.org/A <http://www.example.org/A> (whatever that is).

This is a major difference that we should not forget about.

Happy holidays and lots of rest to all of you/us!


Ivan Herman, W3C
Digital Publishing Lead
Home: http://www.w3.org/People/Ivan/
mobile: +31-641044153
ORCID ID: http://orcid.org/0000-0003-0782-2704

Received on Monday, 21 December 2015 17:21:30 UTC