FW: TPAC 2015, Sapporo, Japan - Reminder to Register

A friendly reminder to register

Tzviya Siegman
Digital Book Standards & Capabilities Lead

-----Original Message-----
From: Xueyuan Jia [mailto:xueyuan@w3.org] 
Sent: Friday, August 07, 2015 11:15 AM
To: w3c-ac-forum@w3.org; chairs@w3.org; ab@w3.org; tag@w3.org
Subject: TPAC 2015, Sapporo, Japan - Reminder to Register

Dear Advisory Committee Representatives, Group Chairs, Advisory Board and TAG members,

We encourage folks to register for TPAC2015 and make hotel arrangements:

    Overview: http://www.w3.org/2015/10/TPAC/

    Register: https://www.w3.org/2002/09/wbs/35125/TPAC2015/

    Hotels: http://www.w3.org/2015/10/TPAC/#hotels

The advance registration fee is 85 USD per person, per day provided we receive your registration and payment by Wednesday 7 October 2015, after which the fee increases to 170 USD per person, per day.

You may suggest breakout sessions for Wednesday via the wiki:

**Chairs, please be sure to forward this information to participants in your groups and add TPAC2015 to upcoming meetings and calls to ensure folks are aware of important dates.**

You may check to see who has already registered here:

Please direct questions to w3t-tpregister@w3.org.


Thank you.

Xueyuan Jia, W3C Marketing & Communications

Received on Friday, 7 August 2015 15:46:50 UTC