Re: Reminder: link to draft from IETF arcmedia WG

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On 8/3/15 8:36 AM, Heather Flanagan (RFC Series Editor) wrote:
> As discussed on the call:
> The working group has closed, but if there is anything in the draft
> that we find useful, we can pull from it.
> -

I pulled out some notes and areas of interest for the group, just to
make sure the information isn't lost in the bitstream of time:

Notes from "The Archive Top-Level Media Type for File Archives"

Definition of an archive - a container of one or more data objects and
metadata about them.  Archives are used to collect multiple data objects
together into a single object for easier portability and storage.

Encoding and Transport - expects viewers or browsers to understand the
media type “archive/file”; else treat the media types as
“application/octet-stream” (archives must be assumed to contain binary data)

Registration Template - IANA registry instructions

Common Required and Optional Parameters - Any implementations that are
archive aware must support (at least) : Code Page 437 MS-DOS Latin US
(backwards compatibility for ZIP) ; others were under discussion but
left unresolved when the IETF WG closed.

Split Archives - archives might be split across multiple files. The
question on how to label the split content files was left open when the
IETF WG closed.

Fragment Identifier Syntax - the group recognized the need for some kind
of fragment identifier syntax given the usual use case of a hierarchical
structure within an archive file, but this was left open when the WG
closed. Some particular notes regarding items to consider included:
reminder fo similarties between the need here and the ‘file:' URI; "how
to provide a fragment for content in the archive.  NB: most archives do
NOT provide Content-Type/media type  information!  So /foo.html being an
HTML file is just an _assumption_, and possibly a very wrong one at
that.  There is no IETF registry for file extensions.

Piped-Composite Type Suffix Syntax - no significant work or text was
completed in this section. The group discussed tar piped through various
compression tools as distinct file formats, but no conclusions were reached.

Security Considerations - “Archives can store files, file metadata, and
even entire filesystems; thus, security issues loom large because
archives can contain just about anything.  These concerns are magnified
by the arbitrary transport of such data across the Internet."

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Received on Thursday, 6 August 2015 21:15:30 UTC