Re: displayed metadata

Hi Tzviya,

On Nov 1, 2013, at 14:36 , "Siegman, Tzviya - Hoboken" <> wrote:

> Hi All,
> I am (finally) working on use cases for Behavioral Adaptional Content. There is much to discuss in the category of what I’ll call displayed metadata. This is information about the content, but it is also information that should be displayed to the user.  We encounter this at the publication level, the sub-publication (chapter or article) level, and at a more granular level in some cases.  
> Is there a way to render information like this if it has been captured as <meta>, RDF, or microdata? More examples?
> Example 1
> Chapter Number + Chapter Title + Subtitle:
> <header>
> <h1><span class="chapterNumber">Chapter X </span>
> <span class="chapterTitle">Chapter Title: </span>
> <span class="chapterSubTitle">Subtitle</span></h1>
> This is one of many ways to mark up the information. One could also use <h2> and <h3> for the Chapter Title and Subtitle, but the rest of the chapter with its many levels of headings remains to be marked up. In XML models I have seen this called <titleGroup>.

I must admit I do not really understand the question. Do you ask whether this type of information can be put into HTML using microdata or RDF (well, encoded in RDFa)? The answer is yes, provided that there is an agreement in the vocabulary. But, say,

<span property="some_vocabulary_term_for_chapter_number">Chapter X</span>

in RDFa is possible, and it would provide a statement roughly of the form

<> URI_for_some_vocabulary_term_for_chapter_number "Chapter X"

when turned into RDF, where <> here stands for the URI or some sort of a reference (DOI?) for the book as a whole. Similar can be done in microdata. Of course, property (or itemprop in microdata) can be used by CSS for styling, too.

But I am not sure this is what you ask...

> Example 2
> Media Review: A journal article is a review of external media, such as a book. The metadata for the reviewed media must be included so the user knows what is reviewed. Ideally, this should be linked data, but that aside, how do we accomplish this semantically?

Similarly as above, both microdata or RDFa can be used for this.

> Currently this is often done using <p>s, <div>s and <span>s with classes, such as <p class=”MediaReviewAuthor”>  and the like. In some cases, a DOI is included. This offers display, but little else.

I see two issues:

- what is the reference to the book? Does each ebook has such thing? A DOI or anything similar?
- encoding in RDFa/microdata is possible. But who does what with this information? Extracting, say, RDF from that information is possible but then so what? What is the usage?


> I will add these as use cases over the weekend. Any thoughts?
> Best,
> Tzviya
> ****************************
> Tzviya Siegman * Senior Content Technology Specialist * John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
> 111 River Street, MS 5-02 * Hoboken, NJ 07030-5774 * 201-748-6884 *

Ivan Herman, W3C 
mobile: +31-641044153

Received on Friday, 1 November 2013 14:01:10 UTC