[metadata] Call for Participation: DPIG Metadata Task Force

Hi, Folks-

This is an invitation to join the DPIG's newly formed Metadata Task Force.

The mission of this Task Force will be to determine whether any changes to the OWP are necessary to enable publishers to better use metadata. This could involve metadata embedded in a publication; metadata used in the development, authoring, and management of publications; and metadata about the publication (e.g., supply chain or cataloguing metadata).

If it is determined that changes to the OWP are necessary, we will then need to examine whether they can and should be addressed by the DPIG, or whether the issues are of a broader nature that may call for the creation of a separate Metadata IG in the W3C.

Our near-term tasks are twofold:

(1)   Identify problems publishers currently face in the effective use of metadata in the creation and distribution of their publications.

(2)   Collect use cases.

It is expected that this Task Force will communicate mainly via e-mail and the wiki, with periodic but not frequent telephone conferences.

If you are interested in joining this Metadata Task Force, please list your name and affiliation on the new Metadata Task Force Wiki, http://www.w3.org/dpub/IG/wiki/Task_Forces/Metadata.

--Bill Kasdorf

Bill Kasdorf
Vice President, Apex Content Solutions
Apex CoVantage
W: +1 734-904-6252
M: +1 734-904-6252

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Received on Monday, 2 December 2013 20:02:04 UTC